Subscribe / Password
Subscribe to recent updates
On the first day of the month an e-mail is sent automatically to all subscribers. The e-mail contains recent updates that have been published under previous month.
The password must consist of the following:
- at least 12 character(s)
- at least 6 letter(s)
- at least 1 uppercase letter(s)
- at least 1 lowercase letter(s)
- at least have 3 character types
- at least 1 special character(s) (e.g. @, #, $, %, &, * and +)
- at least 2 digit(s)
- will be checked against the password dictionary.
- will be checked against your account attributes.
- cannot contain your display name
- cannot contain your account ID
The password must be changed every third month and you must change to a password that you have not used for the past 24 login attempts. After three login attempts with a incorrect password your account will be locked temporarily for 15 minutes. You can only change your password once per day.
If your password is too old you might experience problems with the login procedure. To change or request a new password, click on the link "" or call Scania IT support +46855381795
Scania CV AB