How-To guides
Simple instructions for getting the most out of the Scania Truck Bodybuilder Website.
How to access Individual Chassis Specifications (ICS)
Accessing ICS
1. Head to www.truckbodybuilder.scania.com and login using your Scania Truck Bodybuilder user details.
2. From the Truck bodybuilder homepage, click on the Drawings and 3D tab.
3. Click on ICD and ICS.
4. Click on Order Drawing (this will take you to the Individual Chassis Drawing Portal).
5. On the ICD portal, input the Chassis Serial no. (last 7 digits of chassis no), or the Factory Order no. and click Next.
6. Click on the Individual Chassis Specification.PDF Icon, and then click Next.
How to access Individual Chassis Drawings (ICD)
Accessing 2D Drawings
1. Head to www.truckbodybuilder.scania.com and login using your Scania Truck Bodybuilder user details.
2. From the Truck bodybuilder homepage, click on the Drawings and 3D tab.
3. Click on ICD and ICS.
4. Click on Order Drawing (this will take you to the Individual Chassis Drawing Portal).
5. On the ICD portal, input the Chassis Serial no. (last 7 digits of chassis no), or the Factory Order no. and click Next.
6. Click on the .DXF Icon, and then click Next. (the Individual Chassis Specification can also be obtained in this way by clicking on the relevant Icon)
Accessing basic 3D models (Frame hole model)
1. Head to www.truckbodybuilder.scania.com and login using your Scania Truck Bodybuilder user details.
2. From the Truck bodybuilder homepage, click on the Drawings and 3D tab.
3. Click on IC3D.
4. Click on Order Drawing (this will take you to the Individual Chassis Drawing Portal).
5. On the ICD portal, input the Chassis Serial no. (last 7 digits of chassis no), or the Factory Order no. and click Next.
6. Check the 3D Frame Hole Model tick-box and click next.
7. Check you email address is correct, and then click confirm.
8. The 3D Frame Hole Model will then be emailed to you in .STP format.
Accessing detailed 3D CAD models
1. Order 3D models from Product.Engineering@scania.com. You will need to provide the following information:
a. The vehicle’s chassis serial number or factory order number.
b. The correct designation in English, for the complete vehicle or the components that you require.
c. A valid e-mail address we can send the 3D models to.
d. Brief description of the purpose of your order so we can create a 3D model that fits your needs.
2. Your market representative will send your order to the Scania Bodybuilding Centre.
3. Scania Bodybuilding Centre will ask you to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
4. Once the non-disclosure agreement has been received by the Scania Bodybuilding Centre, the 3D model can be generated and sent to you directly.
How to access Type Approval Certificates
Access to the Scania Type approval certificates is restricted to those bodybuilders who hold a valid Multi-Stage Cooperation Agreement with Scania.
Accessing Type Approval Certificates on the Scania TBB Website:
1. Head to www.truckbodybuilder.scania.com and login using your Scania Truck Bodybuilder user details.
2. From the Truck bodybuilder homepage, click on the Laws and Regulations tab.
3. Click on Truck Certificates.
4. Click on New truck Generation. This will then list out the European Whole Vehicle Type Approval, and Component approvals sections.
5. Click on the relevant section. This will then provide the links to the approval certificates on the right-hand side.
6. Click on the relevant approval certificate, this will open the .PDF.
Applying for a Multi Stage Cooperation Agreement with Scania (to access Scania Type Approval Certificates)
1. Contact Scania (GB) Sales engineering in the first instance, via Product.Engineering@scania.com. We will be able to provide you with all of the relevant information and support you in the process.
Contact Details
Telephone number:
01908 210 210
Postal Address:
Sales Engineering
Scania (Great Britain) Limited
Delaware Drive,
Milton Keynes,
MK15 8HB
E-mail address: